오늘을 사는 당신의 이야기를 책으로 만듭니다.

Makes the story of you living today into a book
공출판사는 에세이, 시집, 그림책 등 다양한 분야의 책을 출간하고 있으며 소설도 출간 예정입니다. 저작권 수출에 관심이 많아 좋은 콘텐츠와 작가 발굴에 힘쓰며 믿을 수 있는 출판 브랜드가 되려고 노력하고 있습니다. 2022 서울국제도서전에 참가해서 해외 에이전시와 직접 만나 다시 한번 가능성을 확인하였습니다. 2020년부터 찾아가는 도서전은 꾸준히 참가하고 있습니다.

KONG Publishing company makes the story of you living today into a book. We have published books in various fields such as essays, illustration with essays and picture books. We have plan to publish novel sooner or later. We are interested in exporting overseas as well, so we are constantly working on translating books that can be exported. We also have experience of participating Seoul international book fair.

出版过散文、诗歌、图画书等多个领域的书籍,2023年将出版图画小说。我们对版权输出感兴趣,所以我们正在努力发现好的内容和作家, 并成为一个可靠的出版品牌。 参加了2022年首尔国际书展,并亲自会见了国外机构,再次确认了可能性。2020年以来,巡展书展稳步参展。 
International Book Fair
Busan International Children's Book Fair
Visiting Korean Book Fair Bangkok, Thailand
Guadalajara International Book Fair
Visiting Korean Book Fair North America (New York)
Visiting Korean Book Fair Hanoi, Vietnam
Visiting Korean Book Fair Japan
Seoul International Book Fair
International BIZ-Maching
Asia Publishing Week Business Meeting
Paju fair Book & Culture IP Business Metting
K-Book Copyright Market
G.Con.Action Story IP Business Meeting
K-Book Copyright Market
Canadian Creative Industries Virtual Trade Mission
K-Book Copyright Market
Korea-Turkiye Publisher Matching
Italian Korean Publisging B2B
공출판사의 책들
NON FICTION - 어떤 시리즈

작가의 고유한 이야기를 담은 에세이 시리즈

0세부터 100세까지 함께 보는 그림책
ESSAY with Illustration - 누군가의 첫 책

첫 책을 응원하는 프로젝트


다양한 밥을 소개하는 ‘밥, 맛이야!’의 첫 번째 이야기 꽁보리밥이다.
매년 4~5월이면 전국 각지에서 청보리밭 축제를 볼 수 있는데 축제가 지난 후 추수한 보리는 맛있는 여름 별미 보리밥으로 식탁에 오른다.
계절별로 다양한 밥을 지어 먹었던 윤혜신 작가가 어린 꼬마였던 시절 할머니가 해 줬던 꽁보리밥의 기억을 글로 쓰고 이보람 작가가 한 땀 한 땀 수놓은 바느질로 정감 있게 표현한 그림책이다.
어떤, 클래식

오랫동안 소설을 쓴 차무진 작가도 글을 쓰기 전에 그날 들을 음악을 심사숙고하여 고르는 일이 하루의 중요한 일과이다. 그날의 날씨와 기분에 따라, 쓰는 글에 따라 혼자 감내해야 하는 시간을 오롯이 클래식 음악과 함께 보낸다. 지난날 적막하고 좁은 공간에서 세상에 버려진 존재처럼 홀로 작업하며 살았던 시절에도 어김없이 곁에 흐르던 음악은 클래식이었다. 작가에게 클래식 음악은 힘든 시기를 버틸 수 있는 의지였고 다시 일어날 수 있었던 따뜻한 위로였다.
다정한 붕어빵

쌀쌀한 날씨가 되면 짠-하고 나타나는 붕어빵 가게. 딸그락딸그락 붕어빵 틀에서 고소하게 익어가는 붕어빵 굽는 소리는 가던 길을 멈추게 한다. 똑같은 붕어빵 틀에서 나온 붕어빵 중에서 특별한 붕어빵이 되고 싶은 주인공은 특별해지는 방법에 도전한다. 주인공 붕어빵의 도전을 옆에서 함께 해 주는 다정한 붕어빵 친구들의 이야기. 과연 도전에 성공해서 특별한 붕어빵이 되었을까?
105세 방연순 할머니

1918년생 방연순 할머니는 93세부터 지금까지 요양원에서 생활하고 계신다. 작은 침대에서 10년 넘게 생활하시면서 요양원 활동으로 그린 그림을 모아 손녀 공가희가 글을 썼다. 한 권의 책으로 할머니의 긴 인생을 담을 수는 없겠지만,​ 인생 4막을 힘겹게 살고 계신 방연순 할머니를 위한 응원이자 세상에 남기고 싶은 메시지가 담겨 있다.
우리는 3인 4각으로 걷고 있다

누구나 처음은 서툴다. 어쩌면 엄마라는 이름은 세상에서 가장 힘겨운 이름표일지도 모른다. 아이가 자라면서 엄마도 자란다. 서툴러서 울기도 하고 아이와 함께 웃으며 그 시간을 잘 지나온 황다경 작가의 이야기를 통해 육아가 처음인 많은 엄마의 공감이 되길 바란다.
어떤 레스토랑의 비밀

허기짐조차 느끼지 못할 정도로 상실과 우울함에 빠진 한 남자는 맛있는 향기를 따라 어떤 레스토랑으로 향한다. 행복하고 즐거워 보이는 레스토랑에서 대단한 음식을 기대했지만 웨이터가 가져다준 건 고작 콩 네 조각이었다. 『어떤 레스토랑의 비밀』은 행복을 대하는 마음가짐에 대해 이야기하는 그림책이다.

사과를 반으로 쪼개면 나비가 된다. 그 나비를 따라 나빌레라 훨훨 날아다니다 보면 다시 사과꽃 환하게 핀 한마을에 도달합니다. 전쟁이 다녀갔고 울음이 머물렀으며, 마음 착했던 사람들이 울음을 들키지 않기 위해 오히려 목놓아 울고 싶었던 이야기. 창작동화콘서트로 무대에 올랐던 따뜻하고 아름다운 이야기가 그림책 [사과꽃]으로 다시 피어났습니다.
어떤, 여행

평범한 회사원에서 작가로, 출판사 대표의 삶을 이어갈 수 있게 해준 공가희 작가의 『어떤, 여행』이 3년 만에 새롭게 출간되었다. 『어떤, 여행』은 초판본 문장을 전체적으로 다듬고, 새로운 표지와 3년이 지난 지금 변화된 내용을 새롭게 추가했다.

Foreign Rights Catalogue

Grandma's cooking barley rice

In the past, when there were not as many different foods as there are now, we prepared a warm meal with precious ingredients from nature. Seasonal grains and ingredients were important resources for taking care of the health of the family. A bowl of rice filled with sincerity and love from that time reminds us of the preciousness of nature and the warmth of family. This picture book reminisces about memories that we still treasure and never forget.
When I was young, I always remember going to the market with my grandmother. There were many new and interesting things that I couldn’t normally see. The stalls selling rice and other grains looked like beads or jewels to my young eyes. That day, my grandmother bought a sack of barley. She clearly bought it, but she said she sold it. There were many words that were difficult for young ears to understand. Barley was washed cleanly and boiled once before cooking rice. I can’t forget the smell of rice at that time. My stomach growled at the savory smell. While cooking rice, my grandmother cut up delicious vegetables like potatoes, pumpkin, and mushrooms into thin strips and boiled anchovies and soybean paste in a boiling pot. If you take a spoonful of barley rice and take a bite, you will find yourself smiling at the plump taste. The savory taste of soybean paste and barley rice is a taste of memories you will never forget.
Author                HyeShin Yoon 
Illustrator           BoRam Lee
Categories         Picture Books / 
                             Illustrated Book
Audience            4 to 10 years 
No. of pages      32
Dimensions       172 x 205
Cover type         Hardcover
ISBN                    9791191169201 

Book Trailer _ Invisible Butterfly and Magic Stone
Sweet Bungeoppang

“You are special enough just because you are you”
No one is exactly like you in the world. Their personalities and appearances are slightly different and diverse. So it's special. The desire to become a special bungeoppang is similar to ours. We want to be good at everything, but we sometimes fail at challenges or discover that we have no talent. At that time, if you have a friend by your side who supports you in your challenge and gives you warm words of comfort, you will not feel too sad or despair. This book makes you think about the fact that everyone is special just the way they are and the
meaning of being a true friend. This is a book that you can read and think about with your mom and friends about what kind of words of encouragement and comfort to give.

Illustrator           Kidult
Categories         Picture Books / 
                             Illustrated Book
Audience            4 to 10 years 
No. of pages      48
Dimensions       210 x 210
Cover type         Hardcover
ISBN                    9791191169157 

Book Trailer _ Sweet Bungeoppang 
105-year-old Grandma 

Born in 1918, my grandmother became an artist.

What will our end look like?
The world has changed so much that it would not be awkward to say that the world is completely different now from 100 years ago. Life expectancy has increased, non-marriage is increasing, and the birth rate is dropping to a worrying level. The meaning of family, parents, and children is also changing. Since a long time ago, it has become natural to spend the last days of one's life in a nursing hospital or nursing home. When seniors in a nursing home go to heaven, their beds are quickly made up and their belongings become keepsakes.
I hope that this will be a time to think about what record we want to leave in the world through grandmother Bang Yeon-soon's painting, which will be the first and last record of her life, devoting herself to her family for a long time.
Author                Gahee Kong
Illustrator           Yeosoon Bang
Categories         Picture Books /  
                             Illustrated Book
Audience            Adult
No. of pages      44
Dimensions       170 x 234
Cover type         Hardcover
ISBN                   9791191169140 

The Secret of a Certain Restaurant

About the Happiness Mindset
A man in such loss and depression that he can't even feel hungry is heading to a restaurant with a delicious scent. He expects great food from a restaurant that looks happy and joyful, but the waiter brings him only four pieces of beans. If you eat just one piece of beans and think about the sun, rain, and wind that nature provides, appreciate the noble efforts of the farmer, and feel all things, you will be able to feel a little peace and warmth in the midst of your misery. "The Secret of a Certain Restaurant is a picture book that talks about the mindset of happiness.
Illustrator           ChangSoon Kim
Categories         Picture Books / 
                            Illustrated Book
Audience            7 years to Adult
No. of pages      40
Dimensions       190 x 255
Cover type         Hardcover
ISBN                    9791191169126
Book Trailer _ The Secret of a Certain Restaurant
Apple Blossoms

This book is a fresh reminder for readers of the meaning of the Korean War along with the hope of a peaceful world.
When an apple is cut in half, a butterfly appears. You fly along with the butterfly and reach a village where apple blossoms are in full bloom. The village holds the story of a war that started and ended, tears remained, and good people held back sorrow.One night, when the rattle of gunfire erupted, a seven-year-old held his mom’s hand that trembled like a flower petal. His father went toward the sound of the gunfire with other men in the village. An apple tree, which Father planted the year the child was born, symbolizes the child’s longing for his missing father who didn’t return from the war. This story is about a family who survived war without losing love and hope.Apple trees blossom in spring, and the Korean War broke out when apple tree flowers were in their full splendor. The beautiful season of the flowers contrasts the tragic reality of war. Unfortunately, on the opposite side of the planet, many people are sacrificed or separated from their families by war that lasts more than a year. At a time like this, it is meaningful to remember the Korean War once again and honor those who fought to protect their country. This picture book contains the aspiration that no one will have to suffer from war, and one day, a world full of peace and love will come.

Author                 JeongBae Kim
Illustrator            Hwinyoung Kim
Categories          Picture Books /
                              Illustrated Book
Audience             5~11 years old
No. of pages       48
Dimensions        250 x 210
Cover type          Hardcover
ISBN                     9791191169119

Pusil is the main character of this book in Korean, which means that it is a grassy place. It's a journey of adventure that has left to make the terrarium where the Pusils live more green, more beautiful, more shiny. The tiny creatures that live with moss in places that are not visible have their own world. Hope you will proceed with the story only in pictures and read it with your imagination by watching small grasses and creatures carefully.
Illustrator            JaHyun Gu 
Categories          Picture Books / 
                              Illustrated Book
Audience             3~10 years old
No. of pages       56
Dimensions        225 x 170
Cover type          Hardcover
ISBN                     9791191169096
Book Trailer _ PUSIL
The Refrigerator Ghost

The Refrigerator Ghost story was a literary finalist in the 2020 Adelaide Books Children’s Literature and Illustration Award contest, and included in the corresponding anthology of winners.
What is the last place people expect to be haunted? Probably the refrigerator. The Tomasons jokingly blame a ghost when things disappear in their messy fridge. Little do they know, there actually is a frustrated, small ghost trapped inside because of that growing mess.The Refrigerator Ghost, written for ages 3-8, is an engaging tale that encourages families to compost their leftovers instead of letting them clutter their refrigerators. Children will be delighted by the tiny ghost's desire to escape outdoors, and will enjoy finding it hiding in the amusing illustrations.
Author                 Christina E. Petrides
Illustrator            Sarah Hodgkiss 
Categories          Picture Books,  
                              Illustrated Book
Audience             3~8 years old
No. of pages       32
Dimensions        198 x 265
Cover type          Hardcover
ISBN                     9791191169065

Pupu Island, the beautiful island of imagination.
A grandma who enjoys knitting, a grandpa who likes to fish, a beautiful mom, a handsome dad, and the main character Poopy. This picture book tells the story of a unicorn family that has magical powers.Magical powers are hidden in the poop (pupu) of the unicorns. What is the secret behind the poop (pupu) of Poopy and the adult unicorns? With each turn of the page, readers will find themselves grinning and feeling as free and innocent as Poopy playing in the clouds while they learn about the unicorn family’s magical powers. This picture book can bring joy to both children and adults.
Author                GaHee Kong
Illustrator           Nika Tchaikovskaya 
Categories         Picture Books /
                             Illustrated Book
Audience             4~10 years old
No. of pages       32
Dimensions         210 x 210
Cover type           Hardcover
ISBN                      9791196530259
We are walking together

This is not a parenting book with information about parenting.
It is a record of every moment that author experienced as a first-time parent and mother, getting to know each other one by one, wearing the name tag of "Mom". It is a confession of a mother growing up with her child, hurt by the behavior of the child she carried in her womb but couldn't understand, and touched by the thoughtful words and actions she didn't expect. The author began to find herself by writing in between the hours she spent wrestling with her child. She realized the importance of each day's story as it flew by, and healed the pain of parenting.

Author                 DaKyung Hwang
Categories          Essay 
Audience            Adult
No. of pages      208
Dimensions        120 x 185
Cover type          paperback
ISBN                     9791191169133 

See the truth of a person from behind.
A moment of solitude. An indistinct gesture of a fleeting moment. Relaxation after a long day of tension. All subconscious, unadorned movements are simple, honest, and even sorrowful. Facial expressions at times reveal one's truth but display falsity, at other times. Jimin Han captures the hidden inner truth through her simple, serene stories paired with art.

Author                Jimin Han
Categories         Picture Books, Literature & Essay
Audience            Young Adult / Adult
No. of pages      100
Dimensions        150 x 200
Cover type          Hardcover
ISBN                     9791191169027 
You Can Do Anything Now

Today is the youngest you will ever be.
A writer has spent time as a mother, faithful to her family; going forward, she will walk step-by-step toward a life she has long desired—a life of reading, writing and painting. Through the writer’s story, the book is saying that whatever it is, as long as you don’t let go, then it is okay to do it now, this very moment. May the reader find gentle comfort and courage in this book. After all, today is the youngest you’ll ever be.

Author                 JeongHee Kim
Categories          Literature & Essay, Essay with 
Audience            Adult
No. of pages      144
Dimensions        135 x 200
Cover type          paperback
ISBN                     9791191169041 
My Travels

A collection of essays about leaving everything behind, quitting work, and going on an unplanned trip.
The author felt exhausted from day to day life. She wanted to play for just one year, so she decided to give herself that present and travel. She left for her trip with a joyful heart and gathered her thoughts and experiences from her trip.This book contains travel stories, but it also contains life stories. Just like unforgettable trips, this book tells a story of happiness in everyday life.

Author                GaHee Kong
Categories         Non fiction, Essay
Audience            Young adult / Adult
No. of pages      296
Dimensions       120 x 185
Cover type         Paperback
ISBN                    9791191169102 
Listen! 11 years old,
              How to cheat your Mom

Children wrote and illustrated books that children can enjoy reading.
Why do I keep cheating my mom and wanting to do something else? Because we are children. Because playing is still the most fun.
The mother in the book just like my mom. She nags a lot and gets angry easily, but her heart is warm. Children's author Jeong Yoo-geon, who said he wrote his book because he remembered being upset by being scolded by his mother, has an honest and witty story about how to deceive his mother, which is illustrated by children's author Kim Bo-yun's illustrations, adding to the fun. 
Shh! This book is definitely recommended for children to read.

Author                Yoogeon Jung
Illustrator           Boyun Kim
Categories         Non fiction, Essay, Children's book
Audience            8 to 12 years old
No. of pages      120
Dimensions       135 x 200
Cover type         Paperback
ISBN                    9791191169058 

작업의 페이지 및 모든 프로세스에 대해 궁금한 점, 질문 드립니다.
항상 배우는 마음으로 보고 있습니다. 이번 프로젝트도 꼭 따라해보고 싶어요. 프로젝트를 보면서 디자인에 궁금한 점이 있습니다. 프로젝트 작업하실 때 주로 어디서 영감을 얻으시나요?
  • 잭 다니엘
  • 카테고리
  • 방금 전
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끝내주는 일... 매우 멋진 직업이에요
항상 배우는 마음으로 보고 있습니다. 이번 프로젝트도 꼭 따라해보고 싶어요. 프로젝트를 보면서 디자인에 궁금한 점이 있습니다. 프로젝트 작업하실 때 주로 어디서 영감을 얻으시나요?
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아름다운 디자인과 레이아웃... 정말 멋져요
항상 배우는 마음으로 보고 있습니다. 이번 프로젝트도 꼭 따라해보고 싶어요. 프로젝트를 보면서 디자인에 궁금한 점이 있습니다. 프로젝트 작업하실 때 주로 어디서 영감을 얻으시나요?
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예술 같은 놀라운 작품. 너무 감동적이에요
항상 배우는 마음으로 보고 있습니다. 이번 프로젝트도 꼭 따라해보고 싶어요. 프로젝트를 보면서 디자인에 궁금한 점이 있습니다. 프로젝트 작업하실 때 주로 어디서 영감을 얻으시나요?
  • 올리버 워렌
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  • 2021.12.22
  • 187
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다이빙 프로젝트가 아니라니... 믿을 수 없어요. 항상 응원합니다 !
항상 배우는 마음으로 보고 있습니다. 이번 프로젝트도 꼭 따라해보고 싶어요. 프로젝트를 보면서 디자인에 궁금한 점이 있습니다. 프로젝트 작업하실 때 주로 어디서 영감을 얻으시나요?
  • 다이애나 스펜서
  • 카테고리
  • 2021.12.07
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세련된 느낌이 너무 좋아요, 잘 봤습니다
항상 배우는 마음으로 보고 있습니다. 이번 프로젝트도 꼭 따라해보고 싶어요. 프로젝트를 보면서 디자인에 궁금한 점이 있습니다. 프로젝트 작업하실 때 주로 어디서 영감을 얻으시나요?
  • 제트 블랙
  • 카테고리
  • 2021.11.31
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디자인 멋있어요, 특히 디테일이 맘에 들어요 !
항상 배우는 마음으로 보고 있습니다. 이번 프로젝트도 꼭 따라해보고 싶어요. 프로젝트를 보면서 디자인에 궁금한 점이 있습니다. 프로젝트 작업하실 때 주로 어디서 영감을 얻으시나요?
  • 링컨 토드
  • 카테고리
  • 2021.11.17
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작품 하나에도 섬세한 표현 처리가 돋보여요
항상 배우는 마음으로 보고 있습니다. 이번 프로젝트도 꼭 따라해보고 싶어요. 프로젝트를 보면서 디자인에 궁금한 점이 있습니다. 프로젝트 작업하실 때 주로 어디서 영감을 얻으시나요?
  • 마크 블레이즈
  • 카테고리
  • 2021.11.02
  • 114
  • 7

Contact us
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